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Selasa, 22 Juni 2010


Ngaben is cremation is carried out in Bali, especially by the Hindus, where Hinduism is the religion of the majority on the island of thousand temple. In the Panca Yadnya, this ceremony is included in Yadnya Pitra, namely the ceremony devoted to the spirit lelulur. Ngaben ceremony at its core meaning is to restore the ancestral spirits (dead) to its original place. A man has Pedanda said Bayu, Word, IDEP, and after death Bayu, Word, IDEP was restored to Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva.
Ngaben ceremony is usually conducted by family relatives of the deceased, as a form of respect for a child to his parents. In all these ceremonies typically spend 15 million to 20 million rupiah.This ceremony is usually done with colorful, no sobs, because in Bali there is a belief that we should not mourn those who have died because it could hamper the spirits of the journey toward his place.
Day of execution is determined by finding Ngaben good day which is usually determined by Pedanda. A few days before the ceremony conducted Ngaben families assisted by the community will create a "Bade and Ox" a very stately wooden, colored paper and other materials. "Bade and Ox" This is where the body which will be held Ngaben.

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